9.6/10 1
Chapter 622: Goodbye, Sun Wukong (End)
Renai Level 0 no Reijou nano ni Kiss wo Motomerarete Tsundemasu 恋愛レベル0の令嬢なのに、キスを求められて詰んでます
Followed by 6 people
Authors: Takami Hina
Rating: 10/10 (1 votes)
Doris has become a recluse because of a curse placed on her by a witch. One day, the curse goes out of control and turns the princess into a cat! The only way to break the curse is to kiss the person she loves – but it seems that Doris will die if she meets the wrong person. Doris, who has never been in love before, asks her childhood friend, the crown prince, to give her some pointers on love. “You should be aware that you are cute,” says His Highness, suddenly hugging her!
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9.6/10 1
Chapter 622: Goodbye, Sun Wukong (End)
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